the title explains it all! novemeber 4th=election day=D day. so actually, i am really dreading the 5th, because thats when we will all know who our next president of the united states will be. and the way things are looking, obama may just be our next president. and if he is, we are all f**ked... just to put it mildly. know, i am not a racist person by ANY means. i could care less if our next president is black. but i dont know what it is about this guy that everyone thinks that he is so wonderful. i was listening to rush limbaw the other afternoon on my way to work. and this man, as rude and blunt as he can be, he makes some very good points. he said that there has been a study that was done recently about the effect that obama seems to have on people. this study stated that he has a "hypnotizing effect" on people. especially young people for some crazy reason. which i truly believe. unfortunately, this people are being led astray and they dont even realize it.
this man, i truely believe is a nazi. where he stands on some issues are utterly outrageous! he thinks that all babies that are found to have downs syndrome while still in their mothers uterus should be immediately aborted! along with children that have deformaties and other serious health problems. WHY?!? every child should have the right to live, wether they can function properly in life or not. obama thinks that we should have a "prefect" race of people on this earth, people without defects. that sure sounds like hitler to me.
this man is also will allow partial birth abortions, which is the sickest thing that i have ever heard of in my life. for those of you who are unaware of what a partial birth abortion is; it is an abortion that can take place at any stage of the pregnancy, all the way up to full term/or into the 9th month of pregnancy. no who can tell me that is not a human being?! anyways, the abortion is done by doing an ultrasound to find the baby's foot, which is then pulled down and the baby is born breech/feet first. they completely deliver the baby except for the head. and while the head is still in its mothers birth canal, the doctor will take a pair of surgical scissors and insirt them into the base of the babies skull and open it. if this alone doesnt kill the baby, they stick a suction tube into the babies brain and suck it all out. after that is all done, then the rest of the baby is delivered and all is said and done. how can anyone allow that sort of thing?? especially, as i was saying, an infant that could only be a few weeks or days away from being a full term baby?
Obama also want to raise taxes on people who make more than 150 thousand dollars a year and basically just give that money to other people who dont make as much. what the hell is that about?!! why should people who work very hard for their money have to pay more taxes for it to just go to other people who arent willing to work hard enough for it? that is going to make this country extremely lazy and think that everything should just be handed to them?
this is just the biggest outrage! and i cant believe that everyone is just falling for him like he is the greatest thing since sliced bread!
and it is really sad that no one sees these things and the way it is looking is that Obama is going to be the next president! someone said to me earlier today this Obama is going to be the next president and that i'd better just get used to it! i was so appalled that this was said to me! i dont have to get used to anything and i dont have to like the fact that this might really happen. it honestly makes me sick to my stomach to think that he will be our countries next president. and i just wish that other people can see that too.
i guess all we can do is just hope and pray for the best. even then though, i somehow dont feel like those prayers are going to be answered....
11 years ago