who would have thought that getting christmas lights would turn into such a quest. yesterday, the fam piled into the truck and headed over the vernal to do our shopping to get us to next paycheck and stock up on some christmas stuff for the holidays. along with the decorations that we got, we picked up a huge box of lights to string on the tree. and as a family home evening, when we got home we began decorating the tree. now normally you would think that when you get the lights out of the box, you would plug them in to make sure that they work. instead, we just began stringing them around the tree. once that was all said and done, THEN we decided to turn then on and see how great the tree looked. and.......... stupid lights. the box came with 2 long strands of lights and half of one strand didnt work and then the other stand didnt work at all!!!! that sucked big time, so i had to pull all the lights off the tree and try and shove them into the box again. (i have NO idea how in the heck those stupid lights get into the box so nicely when you first buy them, but it is near impossible to get them all back into the same box that they came in!) so today, i drove all the way back to vernal so that i could return them for ones that worked ( i tracked down some poor guy in the gun department and had him help me find an outlet to plug them in to before i bought them... LOL!!) and now i am off to go and string these new lights. hooray for me! :)