Monday, October 13, 2008

big time bummer... :(

so i am officially bummed out. last week i applied for a job at the pahrmacy here in town and had the interview on wednesday. it was the perfect job. it was only 20 hours a week so it would have still allowed me to go to school and have time with my family.
the interview went really well. i got along great with the two people that were interviewing me and they seemed to like me pretty well. after the interview was all over, they said that they would let me kow their decision within a cople days.
by friday afternoon i hadnt hear anything from them, so i called and the guy that i needed to talk to had already gone home for the day, so i had to wait all weekend, which was agonizing!!!!! it was driving me mad without knowing what was going to happen.
so this morning,firstthing when the pharmacy opened, i called and talked to the guy who did the interview and said that he alrady filled the position! i was SOOOOOO bummed out! i thought that the interview went really good and that i would have beenemployed once again by this time today. so on once again with this stupid jog hunt! i wish that i could ind something, but so far it doesnt seem to be working out that way.
im actaully kinda depressed about the whole thing. this sucks big time......

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