Wednesday, November 5, 2008

i am very disapointed..

so i am very disapointed in our country. this morning i got up to hear that Obama is our president elect. i dont understand what eveyone finds someone so apealing! this man is going to send our country down the tubes so fast, that we wont even have time to blink. and EVERYONE is totally in love with him and completely blind to the fact that this is what this man is going to do. i am truely scared for the next 4 years. i just have the worst gut feeling that he is really going to mess everything up for us. but i guess everyone is ok with that. it really sickens me. but i guess we all better get used to communism, cuz thats whats headed our way.... thats all i have to say right now.........................................................

1 comment:

mandy_moo said...

that's exactly how I feel... we need to buy a gun.... make sure you have your food storage!! lol